>>8540313 pb
>>8540348 pb
>>8540349 pb
>>8540643 pb
>>8540313 pb
>>8540348 pb
>>8540349 pb
>>8540643 pb
aside from CIA and a lot of FBI being 'bad'
still cant fig out which branches of military are 'good'
thought Navy was good but Navy was also OSS
thought NSA was 'good' but " Military Intel v FBI CIA NSA " make NSA sound 'bad'
perhaps this means that around october 2017 Trump authorized the military to take over all of these branches ( nsa, cia , possibly fbi ) and since oct 2017 its literally been a shadow war with some events bleeding out into the news
DEAF students
you see what they do to us, what do you think they do to the blind and the deaf