hey nancy, go hug a bag of lime out in the woods on a rainy night, will ya already?
goodbye to you
won't embed with weirdness , but look how cute this girl is…
why kenny g? have you finally learned he is as annoying as tinnitus?
I like that. We want OG Freddy if going old school. Surely they can get him a connection at the Comfort Inn or Hotel Mercy
then you have this old weather channel music by Spirogyra …speaking of Weather…Report…Jaco….one moment please…
Christmas turkeys are full of less shit…..
famous namefags include Q, Freddy, Mr Pig, McThistle and Daniel has to be on the list with E-bot and Ro7:23,etc….whether person, or concept, it is a known quantity
begone Kenny G ~demon~
G sux