Good stuff, Anon. I agree that it's all about the vampires. Here's my $.02 to add on.
The Media controls the narrative. We are watching a movie. Everything is in code.
When POTUS/Q team says something, double meanings always possible/probable.
(((THEY))) communicate too in code, and they use the media. They have an entire empire to guard. They have thousands of members with millions of pieces of blackmail holding all together. If one person leaks or snitches it could set off an irreversible chain reaction, a nuclear event. Blackmail is both an asset and a liability, just like radioactive fissile material. Committing blackmail is a crime, as is extortion, and possession a hdd full of blackmail porn is likely to produce charges if found. Most blackmail is evidence of crimes also. They didn't worry about getting caught before when they controlled everything. They can buy off cops and judges, or blackmail or kill the ones who don't play ball. They had people to deal with those problems for them, MS-13. She wasn't supposed to lose, and now they lose everything.
They figured out something was up a few week ago, and someone put up the Bat Signal. I think they directed the code via widespread reporting of toilet paper panic buying. The news story did two things, it created the wave of shortages, and it also spread the message to those who have ears to listen. “Major breach of club security. Your shit paper is in jeopardy of being found. Flush flush flush.”
POTUS is having to conduct the public COVID OP and the law enforcement portions simultaneously. So, he must use words that can communicate two different messages at the same time. The players in the know, understand the hidden (20% public/80% non-public) meaning under the public statement. I’ve read reports that DJT spends hours a day, and has for many years, reading reports and decoding the secondary meanings. I’m sure he’s fluent in reading their comms. I'm working on breaking down my understanding of the dialect. This is what I have so far:
Run on toilet paper = Blackmail goldmine in jeopardy
Invisible disease = criminally possessed blackmail/pedovore activities and evidence
Bats = Sangs, Vamps, or maybe Adrenochrome junkies. Q from today pointed out that SARS is known to exist in a large reservoir of SARS-CoV-like viruses " in bats, known to "undergo genetic recombination", a waiting "time bomb." Over twelve years ago.
Positive COVID test (celebrity announcement) = Served/arrested
Quarantine = House arrest/Protective Custody
“Stay at home” (from a celebrity wearing glasses) = just keep your trap shut and nobody goes to jail
Hot Spot = Den of blackmailers and vampires
Cure worse than problem = Igniting a war versus facing justice and keeping 80% sealed.