Anonymous ID: 9590bb March 23, 2020, 8:36 p.m. No.8541906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bill Barr’s Testimony Before House Judiciary Committee Postponed Due to Coronavirus Concerns


House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) announced Monday that his committee postponed its March 31st hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr due to the Coronavirus pandemic.


“Due to overwhelming health and safety concerns, the House Judiciary will postpone our March 31st oversight hearing with Attorney General Barr. DOJ has made a commitment to rescheduling the hearing for when the crisis abates and the Committee is able to reconvene,” Nadler said in a tweet.


Due to overwhelming health and safety concerns, the @HouseJudiciary will postpone our March 31st oversight hearing with Attorney General Barr. DOJ has made a commitment to rescheduling the hearing for when the crisis abates and the Committee is able to reconvene.


(((Rep. Nadler))) (@RepJerryNadler) March 23, 2020


Last month Barr accepted an invitation to testify to Congress on March 31, the House Judiciary Committee previously announced.


The Democrats are demanding answers from Barr on his intervention in the Roger Stone case.


The Dems also want to know why corrupt US Attorney Jessie Liu’s nomination to the Treasury Department was pulled.


“In your tenure as Attorney General, you have engaged in a pattern of conduct in legal matters relating to the President that raises significant concerns for this Committee,” the Dems wrote, saying the Roger Stone intervention requires “immediate attention.”


The Dems said they will also ask Barr about the creation of a “process” by which Giuliani can give the DOJ information about the Biden crime family.


Never forget that Nadler, Schiff and Pelosi were obsessing over removing Trump from office with impeachment as the Coronavirus began to spread across the world.

Anonymous ID: 9590bb March 23, 2020, 8:38 p.m. No.8541924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2110 >>2134

NY Doctor Vladimir Zelenko Finds 100% Success Rate in 350 Patients Using Hydroxychloroquine with Z-Paks


Over the weekend Dr. Vladimir Zelenko from New York state announced he has found a treatment against the coronavirus with a 100% success rate on 350 patients.


Dr. Zelenko joined Sean Hannity earlier today on his radio program to discuss the results from his test.


STUNNING! NY Doctor Vladimir Zelenko Finds 100% Success Rate in 350 Patients Using Hydroxychloroquine with Z-Paks (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft March 23, 2020


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Over the weekend Dr. Vladimir Zelenko from New York state announced he has found a treatment against the coronavirus with a 100% success rate on 350 patients.


Dr. Zelenko joined Sean Hannity earlier today on his radio program to discuss the results from his test.


The New York doctor also posted a video explaining his success with hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks. His treatment resulted in the shortness of breath issue being resolved in 4 to 6 hours. Dr. Zelenko in his study had zero deaths, zero hospitalizations and zero intubations!


Later on Monday evening Sean Hannity invited two more medical experts on to discuss Dr. Zelenko’s coronavirus results.

The two doctors were cautiously optimistic.

Anonymous ID: 9590bb March 23, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.8541950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1980

Donald Trump: I Will Listen to Doctors but Make My Own Decisions About the Economy


President Donald Trump said Monday that he would continue to listen to advice from federal government doctors but would ultimately make his own decisions about the future of the economy, as the fight against the coronavirus continues.


“Ultimately, I have to make a decision, but I certainly listen to them,” Trump said when asked if he would follow the advice of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx about loosening national guidelines restricting the behavior of the American people.


The president spoke with reporters for over an hour and a half during a White House press briefing on Monday evening.


Trump said he had “respect” for Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx but suggested that they would likely err on the side of caution.


“If it were up to the doctors, they may say, ‘Let’s keep it shut down, let’s shut down the entire world … and let’s keep it shut for a couple of years,'” he said. “We can’t do that.”


When asked if Fauci agreed with him that the economy should open soon, Trump replied, “He doesn’t not agree with me.”


But the president said that he would be the one making decisions about the future, citing his “double obligation” to the American people. He also warned about the rising mortality rate as a result of losing the American economy:


We have people get tremendous anxiety and depression and you have suicides over things like this when you have terrible economies. You have death probably, definitely would be in far greater numbers than the numbers we’re talking about with regard to the virus.


He compared the mortality rates for suicides, car crashes, and the ordinary flu to the coronavirus death rate and said that had to be weighed before making a decision.


“The whole concept of death is terrible,” Trump said. “But there’s a tremendous difference between one percent and four or five.”


The president ultimately said that America could keep the economy going and fight the virus and said it would be irresponsible to shut down the country longer than necessary.


“We’re going to come up with a date and we’re going to do two things,” he said. “We can do two things at one time. At the same time, we’re going to be very vigilant.”


Trump said the tough restrictions on Americans would be “weeks not months” and said updated guidelines eventually might vary for certain age groups and different hot spots in the country.

Anonymous ID: 9590bb March 23, 2020, 8:42 p.m. No.8541984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2005

‘Too Late’: Farage Criticises Open Borders While Britons Locked Down in Coronavirus Crisis


Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has criticised Prime Minister Boris Johnson for enforcing a lockdown for three weeks to halt the spread of coronavirus while the UK’s borders are still open to foreign travellers.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Monday night that the UK would go into enforced lockdown after reports of people ignoring the scientific advice to self-isolate to stop the spread of coronavirus.


The measures mean that more than two people who do not live together will not be able to congregate; Britons will only be allowed to leave the house for essential shopping and one form of exercise a day like going for a walk; and shops selling non-essential goods will close. These measures will be in place for at least three weeks and the police have to power to enforce the rules if people do not follow them.


After Mr Johnson made the statement, Mr Farage reacted by saying: “So we are to be locked down — and a new testing regime will begin. Will the planes keep coming from Milan, Tehran, and Beijing? I expect so. It’s all too late.”


Speaking earlier in the day, the Brexiteer criticised the government’s lack of “joined-up thinking” and for failing to learn the lessons of Italy, the viral epicentre for Europe.


Mr Farage said: “On the very same day that Lombardy was closed down, 17 flights came into the United Kingdom from Milan’s Malpensa airport…. [with] not a single person being temperature checked.”


“We hear this remarkable story coming from France that the reason Boris finally shut down pubs and restaurants is that President Macron said that if he didn’t do it France would effectively put a blockade on us,” he continued, condemning the Tories for showing a lack of leadership.


“This is not a country where people obey government orders unless they respect the government and the actions that it’s taking. I want to pose this question: If we’re told… that we have to lock down, how can we respect that when just yesterday aeroplanes were still coming in from Beijing, Tehran, from Milan? And people are being told they should ‘self-isolate’.” he added.


The Brexit Party leader was not the only figure critical of Johnson’s announcement with author, journalist, and broadcaster Peter Hitchens calling the plans “ridiculous and sinister”.


“This action by Alexander [Boris] Johnson is simultaneously ridiculous and sinister. I do hope that all those who sneered when I expressed concern about a coming attack on liberty will now see what it was I meant,” Mr Hitchens wrote.


“I’m partly mocking Alexander Johnson’s ridiculous, sinister government because I’m worried that tomorrow night he’ll come on TV to tell me I am not allowed to mock the government. Unthinkable you say? How unthinkable was national house arrest a week ago?” he added.

Anonymous ID: 9590bb March 23, 2020, 8:59 p.m. No.8542181   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What we think we get WE GET!


But if they (Cabal) can keep you distracted and thinking of other things they can shape

everyone's reality away from what really matters.


The Cabal has used hidden knowledge to shape their EVIL plans.

Using their MSM to project their desired reality into the minds of the public

They have been able to use our collective power to create their world, this is why they use

think tanks and secret societies to shape reality for the masses. Wars, famine and disaster

to keep you in fear, one crisis after another.


Corona Virus is the next installment to drive panic, anxiety and primal fear, once

triggered these emotions over power rational thought in the sedated mind. You

become vulnerable and open to suggestion and herd mentality when in this state.

Eager to hand over your rights to the very people creating the crisis in the hope they

will somehow make you safe. RATIONAL THOUGHT IS LOST.


The issues they create exist in your mind planted there over the airways, whether it be

social media TV radio what ever flavor. We ignore the reality we see in real life choosing

to believe the information fed to us.


It is time to wake up and start using your own discernment.


We are the faithful servants of the most high here to guide humanity through their ascension from

a world ruled by darkness, greed, centralized control and PURE EVIL into the world of love, light

and righteousness.


It is time for each individual to make a personal connection with the most high, do it privately

ask for forgiveness first and then seek good things for those you care about. Pray for each

other. Doing so you join the body of Christ and together we will all be successful. This is the way the

life and the truth.


Jesus Loves (You)