"you will be getting a knock on your door"
nice quads : commercials with the white guy with black girl. those make me laugh….have you ever seen it other than The Jefferson's in the 70s? : a stop watching TV edict is recommended
forgot about Ted and Whoopie (bleached it from my mind, i thought)
reality tv show….place the convicts….three at a time….so, the first cell could be Ellen and whomever she hates the most….and then the audience picks the wild card….then they are under camera at their new digs, eating vegamite sammiches…with water…until something fun happens
Bill Barr is knocking on doors now
still open….will turn the oil back on for you if you want fresh fried fish….
only is you are a gay-of-color
Toots was someone before -and after- the mask
LARP : Toots is the plan. Has been since day #1.
right before we were to pray for toots, and it was never the same after that
AOC = too young constitutionally
that's the Toots of the old days. Powerful in many realms.
Ms Howe!
they probably should change it to 50 now….at least…
takes stones to step into the co-star role of the #1 show…because the former star had a snit…and then take the show to the next level
flat earth and another round of the postmaster are in the …ahem….queue….