Vice President Mike Pence's Remarks on the Administration's Policy Towards China
Vid referenced in Q2351 and Q3896
"Beijing routinely demands that hollywood portray China in a strictly positive light and punishes studios and producers that don't. Beijing censors are quick to edit or outlaw movies that criticize China even in minor ways.For the movie World War Z they had to cut the script's mention of a virus because it originated in China." (28:40)
"The media isn't the only place where Chinese Communist Party seeks to foster a culture of censorship. The same is true across academia. I mean look no further than the Chinese students and scholars Association, of which there are more than 150 branches across America's campuses. These groups help organize social events for some of the more than 430,000 Chinese nationals studying in the United States. They also alert Chinese consulates and embassies when Chinese students and American schools stray from the Communist Party line." (30:45)
"China exerts academic pressure in other ways as well. Beijing provides generous funding to universities think tanks and scholars with the understanding that they will avoid ideas that the communist party finds dangerous or offensive. China experts in particular know that their visas will be delayed or denied if their research contradicts Beijing's talking points." (32:08)
"More scholars are also speaking out forcefully and defending academic freedom and more universities and think tanks are mustering the courage to turn away Beijing's easy money, recognizing that every dollar comes with a corresponding demand, and we're confident that their ranks will grow. And across the nation the American people are growing in vigilance with a newfound appreciation for our administration's actions." (38:40)
Great speech and refresher. Only included a few relevant parts here. (43:09 vid)