Dwayne Wade Comms?
>"Yeah, I'm on that Basquiat shit"
Basquiat is the artist who designed the art of that fucked up sweater Ellen was wearing. Jean-Michel Basquiat was also Madonna's ex-boyfriend (Madonna posted on twitter shortly after Ellen poster her twit with the sweater)
>We are in this together.
>Giant heart
>All-seeing eye
Pretty self-explanatory.
"Is that like… the '3rd eye' or–"
>"I see you see me, okay. And then: Together, forever."
"So this is not – I just wanna make sure for our viewers – umm, your 'Madonna in the tub' moment."
>"I ain't been on social media like that I (mumbles)"
Wade is also wearing a 'Friends' shirt. Who in that show has been on [their] radar for a while?
Jennifer Aniston.