Anonymous ID: ab7746 March 24, 2020, 2:31 a.m. No.8544062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4103 >>4141 >>4153 >>4605


>probably buku blackmail material.


It was pedo tapes. Same problem, different decade.



> So they blew up the legal firm, it's office and all the files relating to the Whitewater scandal.


This is nonsense. The Murrah Federal Building…How would a private law firm have an office in a Federal building? However, there were plenty of other files to be destroyed, including the investigations to Ruby Ridge and Waco. But any oldfag knows that back then, all of the Whitewater files were being shredded at the Rose Law firm. FFS, comedians made fun of the Rose Law firm's paper shredders running non-stop in Arkansas.


Yeah, Hilarion is a murderous witch, and yes, these people always kill two birds with one stone. But the Murrah Federal Building bombing was about destroying the evidence regarding Ruby Ridge and Waco, while simultaneously pinning the crime on Militias that were born from the Government killing men, women, and children at Ruby Ridge and Waco.


For those who don't know exactly what happened at Waco, this documentary is the definitive, shocking, and horrifying Truth of what the FBI, BATF, and MJTF did to those poor people. Believe it or not, this documentary won an Academy Award for Best Documentary.


The FLIR evidence, as presented by the very man who created the technology, proves that not only did those corrupt agencies start the fire, but that as women and children ran out the back, they were being picked off by snipers using automatic weapons. These people are sick.


I was awake back when all of this happened, and I can tell you that it was some scary times. Watch this video and find out WHY:


I'll put an mp4 up of it in a minute.

But watch this video, anons.

It will make your blood boil.


And it will make you realize how close we came to losing our Country, and just how evil and murderous these lying sub-humans can be.

Anonymous ID: ab7746 March 24, 2020, 2:49 a.m. No.8544103   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sorry anons, tried to load the mp4 and it times' out.

This video is well worth archiving offline.


Even though these events happened prior to the movie The Matrix, I "red-pilled" every fucking member of my family with this documentary. Even my mother and mother-in-law. As a matter of fact, not a single member of my family (or extended family), has ever called me a "conspiracy theorist" since! The evidence is that undeniable. Especially the FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-Red) evidence.

Anonymous ID: ab7746 March 24, 2020, 3:53 a.m. No.8544339   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Janet Reno was a monster.


She was a pedo. We knew it back then. Like books from a library, Reno would basically "check-out" children to abuse from CPS. This was known back then. And of course, the highway patrol officer who later committed suicide, after claiming that he found her with a child in the back of a car, whom Reno had puked all over. She was one sick demon.




I don't doubt that all. Minimum, two birds with one stone. There was also information at the Murrah Federal Building about two of Clinton's dead body guards.


For those who can't watch the whole video, just go to 1:36:40 and watch the FLIR footage.


Most people have never even heard of this documentary. And I can tell you why. I drove to the premier of that documentary. It was held somewhere up in northern Colorado. I bought one of the first copies. It was $50.00. Wanting to share it with others, I tried to copy it. (VHS). It had some type of anti-copy technology that scrambled the screen when you connected those old RCA plugs.


Since most people wouldn't pay $50.00 for the video, it didn't get widely seen. When it won an Oscar for Best Documentary, I was so pissed. It was like (((Them))) just rubbing it in our face. "We'll give it an Oscar, and even though the documentary thoroughly documented (((Our))) CRIMES, people still won't bother to watch it because they don't CARE that (((We))) murdered those people in cold blood."