>Article from "Welt", Germany:
>German Bundeswehr wanted to buy 6 million masks via Kenia(!), but the masks have "disappeared"…
>Same article says that (not connected) 6 million masks in Belgium had been recently destroyed by the Belgium government because these maskes had been past their expiration date.
>The article does not ask, if these "destroyed" Belgian masks were possibly sold to Afrika/ Kenia and if the German Bundeswehr had attempted to buy expired masks from Belgium in Kenia.
>Very weird story.
>German sauce only:
Remember, when we learned that even discounted subs were sold and not destroyed?
When old drugs appeared for sale in Africa?
Cash for clunkers, cars were sold to Afrika?
Why would the Belgium government pay money to destroy masks, if they could sell them to Africa?
Since when is the German Bundeswehr buying medical supply in Kenia?
The German government is desperate to get their hands on medical masks, to show
their voters that they are capable to fix the shortage of masks.
They even were willing to buy from obscure sources in Kenia
and coincidentally the same 6 million masks, they were attempting to buy,
were the 6 million masks, the Belgium government hadn't destroyed but sold off to Africa.
When they found out that these masks, were the expired masks from Belgium,
the German Bundeswehr tried to save face, by reporting them as stolen/ "disappeared".
Corruption everywhere…