This Q post seems relevant to where we are now, with America basically on lockdown, they can not walk down the street now.
This differs from the few Q posts that state that the streets will not be SAFE for them.
This Q post seems relevant to where we are now, with America basically on lockdown, they can not walk down the street now.
This differs from the few Q posts that state that the streets will not be SAFE for them.
I think they DO know about the stress effects.
Hence why they are pumping up the fear factor.
Fear = Stress = More Damage
Wait until parents get to start seeing what their grade school kids have been being taught.
That video just possibly might be the worst thing I have ever seen. How the @@#$@#%%$^ do they get away with this stuff?
We are the ones not buying into their panic and BS.
If you are in the middle of a global pandemic and discover that re-arranging the letters also make dem panic and damn epic, and also are showing no fear at all….. you might be a Q follower.
This guy is a Dr.??
I would think he would know the difference between chloroquine Phosphate (aquarium cleaner) and chloroquine Sulfate (malaria drug)
This guy intentionally spreading dis-info and needs his license pulled imho.