yet , yesterday ZEROHEDGE reported cases in Italy were slowing.
Masonic history + Pirates
Knights Templar were routed by Pope in 1307, October 13 , the first " October Surprise ". Those not arrested went underground, and later became " Pirates " , with their base of operations on the island of Madagascar. To this day the words and symbols are still used by the cabal secret societies, as a logo ( SKULL & BONES ) or as a coded greeting among fellow travelers " Brother to PIRATES and Corsairs "
Sauce : William Cooper Mystery Babylon series
Here's the thing, Trump can't open " The States "
Dem. governors will stall and push back, because reasons, all hoping to damage economy and by extension POTUS.
Bloomberg radio financial talking heads are saying there could be ' Liability ' for states or companies / business that open back up " Too Soon " ….. HMmmm
Watch for Dem. Governors to push back and stall lifting their emergency orders. All in effort to harm POTUS
DOW - S&P futures WAAAAYYY Up
Here We Go !!
Meme caption :
Pelosi and Shumer still get PAID while Americans kept out of work
Lookin gud
It is interdasting anons have heard nothing out of Africa on Kung-Flu