If people wanted to communicate in secret they'd simply write a letter and mail it. It's a federal offense to go through someone's mail.
In order to put coded messages out, that would mean they would all of had to have been taught the codes/keys to understand said message. Would be too risky for them knowing they're being watched.
I just think the 'stars' are a distraction as Q previously eluded to with "they thought you'd follow the stars." Meaning that the "elites" thought the majority of the sheep would listen to and follow suit to what the stars think/say/wear/etc. I don't put any stock into any of them.
Basically. They're the useful idiots for the so-called elites. Modern day court jesters.
Dug on that when 8ch was still up. Found that .pdf in WikiLeaks. Mentions 'The Start' in 1999. I believe that's when BC gave China the tech for missiles and all that.