Anonymous ID: bdf4ec March 24, 2020, 5:40 a.m. No.8544808   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The following comment was removed by Gateway Pundit. It's accurate and isn't laced with profanity.


Reality of how the United States, Inc. a threat? To a "conservative" blog?


Want to learn how and what this government services corporation doing business as the United States is doing to the people and why it can? Watch this video. It's long, but completely accurate about this government and the courts and applies to federal, state and local governments. It's a long video, but it discusses a complex crime that started back in 1861.


USC Title 26 defines the United States as a corporation. Who owns it? United States citizens are essentially employees of the corporation. The only sovereigns are American state nationals. Reclaim your political status as an American national and take your power over the government back.

The fraud is massive and the crimes perpetuated against the American people are unforgivable.