Heading for sea trials when a "crisis" exists….???? People testing positive go home and "self quarantine"… the hospitals are basically empty as they put off "regular" patients. I dont see any sick people, I dont see any crowded hospitals ( I live within 30 min of 6), I dont see any dead bodies piling up. All I see is fake news stories about a made-up health crisis and people panicking. Time to lock up those that cried "fire in the theater".
I filter all tyb posts because they are too stupid to have anything worth listening too.
Reminds me of David Roth…David Lee Roth. The front man that goes missing only to return in the end.
Dont pass the spending bill THIS TIME. Sometimes, saying, " I will never sign another bill this bad" is just not enough.
Giving ANYTHING to the dimocrats is a LOSS for Americans. Vote NO on ALL false flag spending bills. The govt has no money to give away…it comes from YOU the TAXPAYER.