>>8541446 (pb)
Quite essentially yes, this is about souls becoming trapped into an appetite for blood to achieve intergenerational mortality.
Enter Good v Evil.
The Good choose Christ (Love) to create Life and realize God's Plan for Man's Redemption, and Evil mirrors the Plan's causality; I think Evil is of "One Mind", whereas Good is made up of Individuals.
Christ coming into Existence was for us to learn that to be an Individual is to Love; the only way to be an Individual is to observe Man as your Brother – a concept that Evil mirrors in the form of Shame.
I think the +++ are essentially layers of this Mirror of the Good; and note another thing, with respect to Trump's Religion and his Common Sense Christianity:
Romney said he voted to impeach Trump because of his "allegiance" to God. Getting very emotional. Of course every politician brings up God and believes in God, but there's an element with POTUS that is interesting:
He said at the Faith and Family forum with Frank Lutz that he doesn't bring "God" into the equation of "forgiveness", that he doesn't ask God for "forgiveness". Me being an Atheistic Objectivist this made me especially intrigued that Trump was rejecting the MSM's altruism conditioning model, that put a Media defined "Greater Good" under the umbrella concept of "God". That Trump expressed Unity with God without repentance expressed the sense of Life that I share, that if there was a God, He would put the Work at task over the experience of remembering or repenting a choice negative to the task.
But now I see that Christ is the perfect move against Evil; that his Existence as an Individual has a much deeper impact than any modern conception in a macrosense. That Evil can only become Good by becoming an Individual; the Form that God designed Us to Be.
So imagine every century since Christ as being one of G v E, with G being immune from E only through FACING E. That means that as E grows, G actually grows stronger because Christ's death shields G from E. Think of it like E = MC Squared; Christ being Christ created a unique material reality that Religion cannot contain – this being that where there is Love (Light) there is Christ.
That G unraveling all of this would manifest E, that is what America is all about. The Children of God (Individuals) creating more Individuals by Uniting as One against "the Evil One" (Catholic prayer change makes more sense now, eh?)
So it Trump was raised in the mindset that as "G" he can basically destroy E to all fucking Hell by Mirroring E while BUILDING UP G within E, you got the greatest fucking showdown in the fucking Universe.
Kanye says the red hat gives him superpowers. What if him and POTUS just used the Armor of God to seize the Hearts of the latest crop of E?
What if Red Hat = Cross?
Cross = Love
Love = Patience
= Plus
Love is Creating and Evil is Destroying.
That E's Children are breaking the spell…?
The puppets are E and the puppetmasters are those of E that choose G.
Those in the middle, those were the prey. E for Blood and Infection and G for Love and Light.
Just spitballing!