I Can Feel The Touch Of His Hand
inspired by PSALM 23 (JD Sumner)
My cup runneth over,
My strength is renewed,
Though it seems total darkness for me,
Thy rod and thy staff bring me comfort,
At the end there is victory for me.
There is a place, where I go,
To be alone, with Jesus,
When my burdens seem so heavy to bear,
And oh what strength I find in my trials,
And what victory in time of despair.
For surely good and mercy,
Is mine with Him,
On His word I firmly now stand,
Though I walk the valley,
With the heavy burden,
I can feel the touch of His hand.
Praise God,
I can feel the touch of Hand.
Semper Fi
Semper Paratus
Semper Fidelis
God wins
Amen. ∞