bulverism = the real reason behind "tits or gtfo"
The Bulverism is a simple yet effective fallacy. An informal fallacy, actually, because it doesn't actually break the rules of logic. Instead, it breaks arguments themselves. To load and cock your informal fallacy, simply remember: if you don't like an argument, don't try to beat it; break it!
To help you start getting the feel for the fallacy, here are a few examples of Bulverism:
Person A: "Socialism doesn't work as well as capitalism, because: xyz."
Person B: "You only think that because you're rich. You don't want socialism, because it would mean less money for you."
*Note how Person B does not address the argument, xyz. Rather, he distracts.
Person A: "We should re-examine gender-roles in American society, because there may be more beneficial paradigms."
Person B: "Feminists have brainwashed you; You need to stop listening to people who want to ruin America."
*Note the concise, yet effective demolition of the argument. No lengthy discussion of ontology, gender, authority, teleology, worldview, etc. Just explain the error, and move out quick.