There was a ChiComm mockingbird on MSDNC shilling hard for "Bat Flu" so as not to be racist.
imho, when one says "nothing can stop this from coming/happening", one is referring to what God says God will do.
In the English alphabet, R follows Q.
We seriously need a dig linking Soros by his real name to being a Nazi collaborator in Hungary. We need evidence. Nobody working for Hitler to round up Jews for concentration camps, and robbing them, gets to play the anti-semite card.
Good place to stuff "sick people" on their way to their new digs.
He's a powerful man at the top of the cabal, using every erg of power in his being to not be taken out.
He will nevertheless be taken out.
That reminds me. The witch on the Pence task force overseeing "AIDS relief in Africa" under W was just administering another $3B ds slush fund under that premise.
Judgment, tempered by Mercy, followed by Comfort Care.
To start with, being appointed by Hussein and then W and administering a $3B cabal slush fund under the premise that AIDS in Africa can be solved with condoms.
POTUS said AIDS is gone in 8 years.
This witch has been "working on it" since the early 1980's.
I say she floats.
I keep thinking it's Hanks confessing.
Missing child, posts a child's shoe, or glove, to say "I was there" or even "I had a hand in it."
You understand that Presidents have to sign laws in order for them to be enacted, yes?
That's one of the most telling elements of the D Party Con game right now.
They just whipped Biden into the presumptive lead, and had Bernie bend over, right quick, so that they didn't have to expose Joe to actual debates, actual appearances, actual encounters with actual Americans.
Like that union guy that should have clocked him.
Aye, and his brother turned out to be a regular citizen.
But not Grygory.
I "know" Soros was a Nazi collaborator, but if push comes to shove, I have bupkis to prove it.
ICE Should Deport George Soros as a Nazi Collaborator
On 60 Minutes, Soros had admitted working with a Hungarian Nazi collaborator to confiscate Jewish property. While he and his flacks have since tried to spin that admission, the interview is quite clear.
“My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson, went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews,” Steve Kroft asked the radical billionaire.
“Yes, that’s right. Yes,” Soros admitted, nodding his head.
In his biography, Soros’ father described his son working with a Hungarian Nazi official to inventory the property of a Jewish person. Soros has made that same claim elsewhere. The official, variously named as Baumbach or Baumflass by Soros and his father, both probably fake names, worked for the Hungarian government. This would have been under the Quisling regime of Döme Sztójay.
Horthy, the leader of Hungary for most of WW2, had been an ally of Nazi Germany, but once he saw which way the war was headed, tried to reach a deal with the allies. In response, Hitler occupied Hungary, removed Horthy, and had him replaced with Sztójay. While Hungarian Jews had been persecuted under Horthy, the Holocaust really began in Hungary under Sztójay. An official of a government under Sztójay would qualify under II, III and IV of the Holtzman Amendment.
Soros told Adam Smith’s Money World, a PBS series, “I actually went with him and we took possession of these large estates.”
Or as he stated elsewhere, “1944 was the happiest year of my life. This is a strange, almost offensive thing to say because 1944 was the year of the Holocaust, but it is true.”
…..our team?
1,988 anniversary of the greatest awakening on earth happens on April 12, 2020, two days after 4, 10, 20.
The end of the 30 day countdown.
It's a sobering thought. All of the evil in the entire universe is concentrated on this rock.
AI is not evil; claiming you are god because you created life without a soul, AI, is evil.
And happening in the not too distant future.
cabal storage depot
Him and Birx. Watching them stand behind POTUS would keep me at pucker factor 10 were I USSS. More ways to assassinate a man than a rifle in a book depository building. Or a grassy knoll. Or the lead vehicle.
Holy fuck he's in on it!
Not knowing what we know, it isn't.