Odds that we see Fauci in today's task force briefing?
anon predicts he weasels out of it bc he was muh close to the WH journalist who had a fever
Odds that we see Fauci in today's task force briefing?
anon predicts he weasels out of it bc he was muh close to the WH journalist who had a fever
that would be the same HiV non-profit that Birx was involved in
>>CCP Virus.
Brutal! These people at Epoch Times are a hoot. the world needs more journalists like them.
anons must have flipped TeaPainUSA's silly poll
>Does Elton John, who is a British citizen, hug all midlevel US government employees?
it seems not, but anons gotta wonder how many fetuses and babies Fauci set up Elton & Friends with over the years.
Fauci certainly seems to have International Faggotry's seal of approval.
twatter going down only increases the case for POTUS to use the Presidential Emergency Text Messaging Thing (PETMT).
Anon missed this live, but apparently General Milley and Sec Esper did an 'online town hall' in which they addressed the beervirus aka CCP Virus.