>>8545344 (pb)
Re: @POTUS v Fauci Poll
kek anon but it would be great anytime else than now while @POTUS is trying to keep the panic down every way he can. He can't be seen as anything but a President trying in good faith to do everything he can to help the people. He and his surrogates should point out the irrelevant 2020 voting concessions which have nothing to do with this crisis. NPR news hour spent the entire time slamming @POTUS with clip after clip of that insufferable shmuck Shumer….then moar of muh ventilators…muh N95 masks blaming it all on @POTUS instead of Obama for not replenishing the stocks after his Swine Flu which killed thousands. Nothing about the fast-tracking of Hydrochlotoquine and Zithro combo testing and the allowed use under the "compassionate care" provisions. Then muh stock market crash. I think I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than listen to another NPR news program which I was forced to do because my interwebz failed me.