Hi, I heard there were going to be multiple Bewbs posted in this bread?
Ready Anons! I'm primed for premiere bewb viewing. I love bewbs. They make me a jolly good fellow.
Hi, I heard there were going to be multiple Bewbs posted in this bread?
Ready Anons! I'm primed for premiere bewb viewing. I love bewbs. They make me a jolly good fellow.
Anon nails it. Tits or GTFO is our way of being kind to FemAttentionAnons
The more talk there is about how we shouldn't post bewbs exponentially increases the number of bewb postings. It's a formula and everything.
If you want to see a lot of bewbs, just post about not wanting to see bewbs on this board.
Agreed. Women, despite what they've been told by MSM and Hollywood, in fact DO NOT run the World and DO NOT have carte blanc on opinion anywhere they go.