Anonymous ID: b3f61f March 24, 2020, 9:23 a.m. No.8547064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7095 >>7153

>>8546114 (pb)

Cali Plan to Use Drones for Law Enforcement



Wait, the Interior Department just grounded its entire fleet of drones because they all had Chinese electrical components. They were afraid that the Chinese would hack the drones and use them for spying.


What if these drones are outfitted to release aerosolized COVID-17? Has the DHS checked these drones out to make sure they haven't been weaponized? What an ingenious plan for a second wave attack.


Can some anon get his wife's BBF's uncle who knows someone at DHS (or any Patriotic fed reading this) look into this Cali LEO fleet of drones and double check that aren't carrying something special like a CO2 cartridge and bio-tube full of ready to aerosolize Wutu Goo?