So these assholes want me to take a virus TEST to go back to work? What the actual FUCK. No mark of the beast for me.
Media guy said a blood test to see if you had old coronavirus antibodies…yeah right.
What he said was a blood test to prove you have antibodies so you can work without getting sick…
…although, twas the media guy that said it, not someone from admin.
Pffft@coke-shill. Btw, if i dont see POTUS I assume he's in the air and its game on.
Your id a bunch of concernfagging. Nobody defends fake Greta around here :p. Why dont we just call this the CelebrityShitpostingVirus.
I've decided I like NightShift better. At least the shils already know they've lost.
Jesus still loves us all, shills.