Anonymous ID: 2cf9f7 March 31, 2018, 6:24 p.m. No.855028   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous 03/31/18 (Sat) 21:00:45 ID: beeb99 No.854846


Happy Hunting


Sig for something to do with the clowns?


Happy is one of the names of the 7 super computers.


Happy Hunting could be to do with @Snowden?


Happy is spelled closely to Poppy.


Potus Personal P_pers could refer to something that is personal to more than 1 potus, as well it's personal.


Q also refers to documents as docs.


Happy & Doc are both super computer names.



The stage is set, pull up the curtain, I am ready to get this show on the road.

Anonymous ID: 2cf9f7 March 31, 2018, 6:42 p.m. No.855219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5240



Stop that shit. He was a little kid. And there lies a problem, by the time a kid gets old enough and feels safe to call out the pervert, the statute of limitations has passed. What a stupid law! Assuming they don't abuse kids when they grown up .leave them alone.