Anonymous ID: 951f7d March 24, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.8547855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7878

ID2020 created COVID19 to sell their agenda. Change my mind

So the Golden Dawn really is being pushed by the military, that figures. ID2020 is definitely the Mark of the Beast anyways, refusing to sign any oaths into the new financial system after you get the mark is merely just semantics at that point.


>ID2020 is created

>COVID19 "outbreak"

>WHO declares pandemic even tho it doesn't classify as a pandemic (less than 12% death rate)

>pandemic -> vaccination is forced, not recommended

>ID2020 will come with the cure but they have to integrate their chip inside you because of reasons

>Chip is able to do more than advertised



The Bill Gates id2020 shills are out in force again. Hmm.