Sorry to differ Mr. Q…
Trump Rallies are on… we, We, The People, do not and will not be relent or cease
As troubles spread across water and land, both at home and far abroad:
First, we rally to our homes in support of Trump's 15 day plan. We rally to social distancing. We rally to the care of our closest finding new ways and needs to better the lives of our most vulnerable. With all personal initiative and innovation we rally to volunteer care for those we want to fall through no crack. We rally to our work floors to make, distribute and implement the new tools of warfare. We beat our papers, fabrics and plastics into shields for the front-lines of our battles. Tirelessly we distribute, restock and swap in the fight against this scourge. We shall test out the ying and up the yang as needed, again and again. We dust off, retool and reformulate to cleanse this enemy from ourselves and then this land. We rally.
Second, in near days we shall rally back to work with vengeance, jubilation and much new sense for greater care, hope and service. Please, bring IT ON Mr. President! We are ready, willing, and eager to rally back to work for our own good, the good and goods of our families, the good of this Exceptional and Proud Nation, and for the benefit of world round.
Third, we will rally our economy to heights never seen. We will rally our stocks, net worth and prosperity in every dimension. Kick us to start DC, if you think you must, but irregardless, like 2016, we will once again return to kick you to stay ahead of us. Those who cannot keep up will get kicked out. Do you listen beltway? This is America rallying with a heavy dose of free speech maintained by the backbones of endless hard work!
Fourth, long before completely recovered herself, America will rally to support the world against this pandemic. Our wisdom gained and excesses, which we will surely rally to produce, will magnanimously spread to any and all remaining hot-spots. We are a NATION, one under God, rallying to global responsibility to spread our united care for all with no back pocket slush funds, laundering monies or racketeering. Transparent, Trump Transparent, is our rallying crying, and gift to the world.
Fifth we shall rally to the halls of our Justice to fill the juries needed to adjudicate any and all who have stolen from us, raped and murdered our most innocent and tried to trick us into their many treasonous plots, this PANDEMIC being so utilized. No wool is worn over our wide open eyes.
Sixth, we shall rally to our voting booths, mark and submit our paper ballots to show the world America's Rally for Trump. We shall do it this Nov, 3, 2020, then turn to 2024, 28, 32…. you know the drill, we rally to over-fill. We Rally for Trump because by so doing we rally for ourselves. America rallies for America, joyfully, steadfastly and with all wisdom. Trump and you are along for the ride. You do know this Mr. Q.
Sad, very sad, this Cabal Pandemic has fallen against THE AMERICAN RALLY costing us precious many, momentarily detouring us from greater greatness. Those who speak against us with one and the same evil voice, China Communist Party, MSM, Dems, DS, sheep, look to the Great American Rally, WAKE UP! Be amazed and dismayed! All of your silly little plots are fully known, folly beneath our trod, your evil has no place to hide. You failed to grasp, AMERICA IS RALLY, Trump is on our side, along for ride, our current guide.