Planefag Report
Unidentified Flying Object Edition
Today started off fairly normally, apart from my fellow planefags spotting some strangeness last night.
Part 1
Then things started to get a little weird with the call signs.. so I started checking different types of planes.
BE20 = Beech Huron
B350 = Beech King Air
There were some SIGINT planes up.
ATHNA92 started doing odd circuits over the Cessna plant (off because it's a Boeing). VENUS44 Gulfstream headed South and ultimately went to key West. SAME55 left Majors Airport heading East.
Roger, I caught that as I was reading last night's Breads.
Dems: NO!
Dems: YES!
POTUS: Maybe…
Dems: SHIT!!
He's playing them like an old piano.
'X' left Abilene, TX earlier and appears to be headed for Charleston.
House arrest? Could be…
Death by vaccines?
X was on approach to Charleston and vanished just after I took this screenshot.
'PAT' flight currently over Delaware.
'PAT' is landing at Dover Air Base.