Watch for this "flag" and wherever it is seen remember that the Laws of the Constitution DO NOT EXIST WHERE THIS FLAG FLIES!
If you see it when you enter a courtroom - run, don't walk, the other way because it means that court, that judge, are operating an illegal "state within a state" and you lose.
This flag means Martial Law is in effect and the Military is in full control.
In relation to the scum-of-the-nation…when this flag suddenly appears behind President Trump - say, at one of his China Virus press briefings - know that the hammer has already been struck.
Yes, this is the Military flag and is differentiated by the gold fringe - but it is also the flag that flies in replacement of the "un-fringed" Stars and Stripes and when it IS TRULY flying…the hammer has already fallen.
I think this is also why puhlousy has just said she will try and pass the stimulus package as is and will delay her own treasonous pork/slush fund package. She will hide this package just like michael hides his package…but she'll bring it out again later just like michael brings his package out at home.