Anonymous ID: 3f4c6c March 24, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.8549355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9422 >>9486

Anons, I’ve been thinking, which is always a 50/50 proposition…


Xi’s people are talking about ousting him

The ChiCom Virus ain’t working out as a bio weapon

All de udder sheit in Chin Land (Schwein Fhlu and that Byrd Fru shit that have broken out recently) also not going so well

Inja just declared a 3-week lockdown (a billion people with nothing to do but wack off and worship cows)…


Da Chins are pissing off people to their south, east, west – everywhere round the compass we’ve heard from…except Da North.


>How do you lose a war quickly? Shoot at everyone, and miss.


Now, if da Russkies get pissed over Chi Vi, that’s the whole compass. And if something else happens (not sure what that would be, summon help me out with the concept here) that results in the ChiComs being essentially de-fanged of their newks…AND their population is reeling from a good dose of RNA-fucking inside their own borders…capitulation and reformation of that dicksucking Commie government looks entirely possible.


Willing to take POTUS at his word that Xi is a good guy trying to fix his country (and I’m actually a fan of Chinese folk, and Asians in general, except for their tendency to kleptomania). So, where do we go from here?


Lookin’ at you, Vlad.

Anonymous ID: 3f4c6c March 24, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.8549509   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Agreed - almost all of of Asia is a paper pussy - there are a few exceptions, guys I know who positively married up by selecting Asian brides (never seen happier fuckers in my life).


And it turns out I quit wackin' off to paper pussy in high school. Much prefer the velvety smoothness of the actual thang.




>Sound off, Hifang. I love your fragrance and your supple body would be pleasing to me.

Anonymous ID: 3f4c6c March 24, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.8549584   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Well, yeah, der is dat. I suppose we can always repopulate with Gaijin. They all hate hairy round-eyed fuckers except the women…for some reason, they get all gushy.


Wonder if penis size and general aggressiveness in the sack has anything to do with it?

Anonymous ID: 3f4c6c March 24, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.8549776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9799 >>9815



How bout we summon Q and ask. Ho Lee Chit, not quite everything is a "muh 17" confirmation, dood.


It's at :17 because that's where the cut from the yootoob channel started, didja think about that? ANYBODY could have set that up to be a 17 second mark.