WE MUST BE PREPARED FOR NOTHING TO HAPPEN regarding arrests during this time of National Emergency. I realize by saying that I am going to be tagged as a Nothing Is Happening shill, but the sad truth is that we have to at least consider that is a possibility. Nothing Happening includes the passing of a stimulus package, a drawing down of extreme media panic within a week, the lifting of stay at home orders throughout sections of the country, the early lifting of the National Emergency, and the re-opening of America sooner than expected. Whew, crisis averted.
Then it will be back to normal regarding the election season, with R's slogging through attempts to declas and bring justice to those involved with FISA abuse, bla bla bla, on and on with this shit show. Sure, POTUS will win the election. Nothing indicates he won't. Then maybe actual justice of DS criminals will happen some time in 2021. No big exposure of pizzagate, no end of the central banking system, no big name arrests.
What about, "Nothing can stop what is coming" as a statement of absolute intent by Q+ to bring this shit show to a conclusion? Well, at it's face, that is simply a factual statement of our living reality every breathing second. Can you stop what is about to happen in the next second? No. CARROT ON A STICK, Rah Rah Go Team Go psyop jingo.
Don't take this as a tirade at Q+ stemming from anger. Look where we were in terms of being divided during a time when we need unity among conservatives. If it took dangling a Great Awakening carrot in front of us to get our collective act together, then so be it. Job well done, military. The lesson learned that if we stick together and keep pushing through the left's blockades, we will eventually see the ultimate justice for all of the past few decades worth of criminals in high office. It may have taken much longer, but what else can we do?
Not everyone will be happy at the end of this (Q signing off for good). The gamble was that most will understand. Most will stick together. The salvation of our souls matter more than the endless stupidity in this world. Those with eyes to see, and ears to hear, are now better equipped to move forward. Fight, fight, fight!
Maybe, when the public is ready, then we'll get around to the worst of the worst involving harvesting Adrenochrome from tortured children, and all the rest, IF it can be proven to be true and not just carrot style motivation.