Anonymous ID: 809be4 March 24, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.8549371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9570 >>9580 >>9588 >>9620

>>8548926 (lb)

>Video calling out the Deep State plan to release COVID-19 on an unsuspecting public and how that plan was thwarted by President Trump and 200 Military Generals.


>I do not know who the pastor is or who shot this video. I made a screen cap vid from a FB Instant Messenger shared video and uploaded it to YT. Currently the video status is Unlisted and anyone can share as long as they have the link. I did this so the video wouldn’t get deleted right away.


>People Are Waking Up God Bless POTUS and MI


>Here is the link:


YT zapped this video almost immediately since posting on the board. Anons have any suggestions on where I can upload? Is there still a Mega Upload account for anons?


It’s a great video and needs to be shared so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated…