Anonymous ID: 9ed642 March 24, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.8550153   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From pb……………..>>8549357

Don't know about the Rocky inference but………this is possibly the first shot to the already battered ribs completely rendering the lungs incapable of taking in much needed air. This is quickly followed by a powerful, direct blow to the jawbone area knocking the DS off balance, teetering and semi conscious. With self awareness and cognizant abilities severely impaired the Maestro delivers a fatal blow to the head pummeling the DS to the canvas.


The DS is now convulsing, unable to breath with the eyes rolling uncontrollably in their sockets. For nothing less than righteous, good measure the Maestro relentlessly descends onto the DS like a Fast and Furious Eagle delivering several explosive, rapid fire 1-2 combinations to the DS's motionless head………………………eerie silence has overtaken the Gladiator's arena. The Maestro stands, his piercing, intense stare focused on the once, all powerful, formidable enemy. There is no movement. No sign of life. The referee, paralyzed and was unable to intervene, stands frozen, stunned. The Maestro raises his head and looks out over the huge arena and it's audience. The fans, America.


The deafening roars of applause and shouts pierce the huge arena. The Maestro raises his bloodied and battered fist into the air signaling total, complete and overwhelming victory. The Deep State is now dead. Never to rise again.

America approves.

Anonymous ID: 9ed642 March 24, 2020, 2:05 p.m. No.8550358   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Come here you skinny, pathetic excuse for a sub human piece of shit. I am gonna beat you to within a fucking inch of your miserable existence and then, I'm gonna let you heal a bit. Then I'm gonna beat you again, again and again.


Afterwards? You will stand trial in a Military Tribunal where you will be tried for Treason and High Crimes against Humanity. Once convicted, you will be led out of the Tribunal chamber to the Gallows erected just outside. A strong, nicely tied noose will be placed around that skinny fucking neck you have. No hood will be provided. Your victims, the ones left alive, all stand in front of you. All staring you right into the evil that is your eyes. At that moment, the trap door opens and as you drop the last thing in this lifetime you ever see are those people, those children. All of them. Your neck is snapped like a twig. The sound is harsh. Abrupt. Permanent.


Satan gladly greets you at his Gates of Hell and beckons you inside. It will be there, in the hottest of that realm, you will burn forever.