Because the MSM is mad that Q talked about this, how about a good ole fashion decode:
>“the CHINA virus”
POTUS continuously reminds the public and the world the virus originated in China, specifically Wuhan, China.
>Worth remembering:
VP Pence, in 2018, reminded the public of the Administration's stances towards China and that Xi is a partner but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is essentially the deep state here.
>Wuhan Institute of Virology [geo location]?
>[1st biosafety lvl 4 lab – 2015]
>City/Province origin – hot zone [geo location]?
The Wuhan Institute of Virology is a level 4 biology lab where research is done on virus EXACTLY like SARS-CoV-2, the official name of the Chinese Virus, and is located very near the epicenter of the outbreak which was the food market in Wuhan
>“Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at [Wuhan] University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.”
>[rapid spread]
This is not the only case of Chinese Biological Espionage and its relation to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. There's another case of alleged Chinese Biological Espionage from China where virus were stolen (see Zerohedge).
There are indications, not just this, that the CCP is lying about the real death toll and hiding statistics, in addition to not giving the scientific community data and details about SARS-CoV-2.
>>End POTUS rally(s)?
>>End POTUS econ gains?
>>End POTUS unemployment gains?
>>End POTUS [A, B, C, D, ……]?
>[weaken prior to P_elec?]
>>Delay US/China trade negotiations?
>[China pref Biden[+VP] as P?]
>>Shelter [Biden] public appearances?
>>Shelter [Biden] debate(s)?
>>Push new/revised P_2020 > vote by mail? [unsecure]
China working with the deep state and cabal knowingly (or unknowingly which has the same result) released the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, aka SARS-CoV-2 aka COVID-19 aka Corona Virus aka Wuhan Virus aka Chinese Virus, from the Wuhan Institute of Virology into the population in Wuhan then let it spread within China and around the world to attack the US and world economy and therefore Trump's reelection chances.
>>Push [D] ‘wish list’ [unrelated] items CV Bill [voting amends]?
>What is the mathematical probability this occurs [the ‘time bomb’ explodes] at the exact point in time that allows for maximum damage [above] prior to the P_elec?
>Outside of standard deviation?
Remember Rahm Emanuel saying "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste"; the democrats and deep state, in addition to attacking the economy, wanted to use this false flag to sneak in their agenda into a bill THAT IS FOR ECONOMIC REFIEF FOR MAIN STREET, CITIZENS, BUSINESSES, AND THE COUNTRY
>[Mueller failed]
>[Impeachment failed]
>>Why was it critically important impeachment be rushed in the House?
>[MSM[D party]/Hollywood narrative(s) failed]
>[D] party leading nominee established [super T] prior to lock-down [take-over]? [Sanders ELIM_Biden_FRONT]
>Occam's razor simply states that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, the simplest one is most likely the correct one.
This was YET ANOTHER attack on The Plan, an extremely vast false flag countermove against the success of Trump and Patriots.
But Nothing Can Stop What's Coming! And like Trump said, WE WILL WIN!