It is kinda bad but I kinda want to die from corona, life has not been worth living for sometime and this month has pretty much destroyed any hope at making change this summer.
I may be or not does not really matter. I spent 8 years in mil and now I am lucky to pick up change doing shit for illegals wages, fucking illegals get better treatment. I am waiting for the plan to be done and the one thing that has kept me alive, waiting for SHTF, will have passed and there will no reason to put up with shit anymore.
I have wanted to die for a long time, and actually very sick of the phrase "it will get better" because that is all the VA has done for me for a decade. That and they catch a clerical error which means they over paid my disability so they will not pay it out for a year, not that it alot but I depend on that for food. I will probably have to give up custody of my kids because I will not be able to feed them. So yeah my outlook sucks, for the nation it is much different and I follow what you are saying but life will still suck for me.