ok shills, shareblue, mossad, chinese internet ninjas, cia, control group, i give up. I've been utterly destroyed.
i gave two or so years to this movement, digged muh dugs, memed for the lulz, prayed for strength courage and wisdom. i thought we had you on the ropes. i thought for sure the deepstate and cabal were toast, caught like a duck in a noose.
but this china flu shit is scary as shit. i just can't handle it. I'm all locked in and self quarantined, my family is freaking out, i only have two squares of TP left over and the dog ate the last bag of jerky rations. it's all over, i give up. implant the microchip device and take over the world. you win.
just kidding, get fucked.
do it Q.
do it.