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Dr. Hongzhou Lu is the Professor and Co-Director of Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center at Fudan University (SHAPHC) and Physician-in-Chief of Shanghai Center for AIDS Diagnosis and Treatment. Dr. Lu received his M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University in 1999. He is a leading HIV and influenza expert in China and has published over 70 refereed papers in international journals, including three original articles in New England Journal of Medicine as he was the physician who reported the first case of H7N9 avian influenza A virus infections in humans. He played an active role in clinical management, academic communications, and public education during the H7N9 avian influenza outbreak in China. Dr. Lu was also one of the first batch of Chinese public health experts who worked over 65 days in Sierra Leone to fight against Ebola.
Dr. Lu currently serves on five editorial boards of international journals and several boards of major government and academic organizations in China. His awards include the Leading Figure in China’s Combat with SARS and the Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award.
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