Anonymous ID: d7e0ee March 24, 2020, 3:13 p.m. No.8551219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1387 >>1408 >>1420 >>1451

Hey guise listen to this.


00:00 next news item will be brief for a

00:05 reason there were large explosions in

00:11 the tunnels under the certain facility

00:15 in Virginia this week as part of the

00:19 cleanup operation that is ongoing

00:22 currently that is all I'm saying next


02:15 where David Rhea and his sidekick all

02:18 duplicates rare known as Barry Bigham

02:22 ran the child porn and child trafficking

02:25 from the Lithuanian service are

02:31 protected by KPMG national cyber

02:35 forensics and training Alliance the NY

02:42 sea branch New York of KPMG has IT

02:47 persons from every major bank in America

02:51 plus the FBI and it Wayne may well turn

02:56 out that it was this group who were

02:59 doing the final blocking of all the

03:02 funds recently I can tell you over the


08:03 group are protected by KPMG and

08:07 high-level US senators that are all

08:11 connected to the DNC who are on David

08:15 Reyes pedophile client list and rogue

08:19 elements within the FBI and the CIA

08:23 covering up the DNC and this groups

08:26 crimes this group is not separate to the

08:32 DNC they are one and the same network

08:37 like I said they're all connected

08:41 George neither of DNC campaign donations

08:46 fame was indicted is also a cue

08:51 of transporting a fourteen-year-old

08:54 Eastern European boy to the United

08:57 States for sex as far back as the year

09:00 2000 who has repeatedly acted as an

09:06 unofficial liaison between Washington

09:08 officials and the United Arab Emirates

09:11 and also Saudi Arabia and as a lobbyist

09:15 for a private security firm Blackwater

09:19 and is a consultant to Erik Prince

09:25 remember this show mentioning earlier

09:27 about team Bubba being connected to Erik

09:30 Prince they even have in their group ter

09:39 Joyce who along with Stephen Kelly from

09:43 truth cat radio who is both CIA and NSA

09:48 and he says he's X of both I beg to

09:53 differ there's no such thing as ex-cia

09:56 see Robert David Steele for that example

10:00 Joyce and Kelly tried to pin sexual

10:03 crimes and links to the DNC

10:06 on Randy Morgan's you see they point

10:11 fingers at others of crimes that they

10:14 are related to themselves be it directly

10:18 or indirectly another one who popped up

10:24 on the radar and it is in their group

10:27 who went missing but retained around the

10:31 same time as the Ukrainian fake

10:34 impeachment Lily Callas OVA better known

10:41 as Lily EarthLink lesser known as born

10:45 in the Ukraine and also a spy Kohan

10:51 Siddhant you decide that group and their

10:57 service in Lithuania is not just

11:01 involved in sexual abuse of the children

11:04 but trading them as well but that is not

11:09 the worst aspects this is high level

11:16 ritual stuff of both torture and

11:21 mutilation of children as was relayed to

11:25 me by those who viewed the full evidence

11:28 of their server in the past month all

11:35 material and evidence has been collected

11:37and stored where it is not accessible or

11:41 can be deleted or moved when the DNC

11:48 house of cards collapses and it will and

11:52 we have unbiased and uncorrupted

11:55 officials in the enforcement's groups in

11:58 this country all of you will be dealt

12:01 with

12:02 until then the Russian authorities will

12:06 be dealing with it as it's from one of

12:08 Russia's original land masses all in

12:13 that group have been warned several

12:16 times and you are an accessory to the

12:20 crimes against children

12:23 Deborah heap Cale

12:25 Richard Hobbes Andrew Simmons Brian D

12:30 Ridgeway mark power Brady Goddard

12:34 Randall Kaiser shamed bales all people

12:39 who jumped out of our group into layers

12:41 are now considered accessories to

12:44 serious crimes against children you were

12:47 all warns and you all chose to ignore it

12:51 it makes you as complicit as a rare and

12:55 berry Bigham who may be one in the same

12:58 person given their server links are

13:00 connected as I've choose date there all

13:06 the websites of whistle blows was closed

13:09 down and contents collected the

13:12 whistleblowers info site of team Bubba

13:15 has been blocked and they are currently

13:17 under

13:18 investigation by Russian authorities for

13:22 child pornography sex trafficking of

13:24 young children from Eastern Europe

13:30 expect other sites connected to them and

13:33 all their other members websites and

13:36 blogs to be investigated as part of a

13:40 wider research deleting will not work we

13:48 have all of your incriminating comments

13:52 already stalled whilst you copied and

13:55 pasted for fake we did it for real