I've been reading Red Cocaine by Joseph Douglas Jr. The book talks about the long term Sino-Soviet drug operation against the West. The op has likely evolved significantly since this book was written, but I imagine the disclosures included therein form a good spine to the more grand narrative of corruption and blackmail.
According to this book, the Sino-Soviet drug strategy vs. US was developed during the Korean war. There was a secret base in North Korea where they performed experiments/autopsies on POWs. They found that many of the organs of the soldiers who used drugs were compromised, and conceived the idea to use drugs formally against the Whites (Mao-speak for non-Communists) at that time.
Mao's strategy (used in China to est. communism, and later used against the US):
Drugs soften target area
Capture/secure region
Outlaw use of all narcotics
Impose strict control to ensure poppies remained exclusively an instrument of the state for use against its enemies.
Mao used opium vs. imperialists: "chemical warfare by indigenous methods"
China leveraged their entire state apparatus against their enemy.
The Soviets worked through Czechoslovakia to compromise Cuba. Through Cuba, they extended their reach to Latin America and worked to infiltrate and establish drug and mafia organizations all over the Western hemisphere. (Through the mafia they learned who all the corrupt politicians were.) They established training camps in the 60's. They targeted the children of politicians and high potential individuals for recruitment, trained them in special areas, and sent them back to their home companies to set up the network.
The large scale trafficking networks in the US were operated by Jamaicans, Haitians and black street gangs and targeted inner city minorities.
U.S. intelligence was totally blind to all this and did not want to admit it.
There is much more in the book. You can acquire it on your own and research it. If I find anything that screams at me, I'll post it here.
I suspect that the allied communist war against the Whites (ie: Western non-Communists, Mao's definition) was two pronged from the start: agitate the underclass with drugs and labor strikes while simultaneously contributing to the exacerbation of all the worst qualities of capitalism from the top (crime, bribes, waste, ungodly degeneracy).
More to come if this post strikes interest.
See also: Sibel Edmonds and the late Philip Haney. They both blew the whistle on the FBI criminals (Mueller, et al.) covering up Islamic terrorism organizations in the United States.