Anonymous ID: 55393c March 24, 2020, 4:13 p.m. No.8552035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2066 >>2241 >>2359 >>2406

"The Gold Market Is Breaking Down": Gold Spreads Explode As LBMA Warns Of Liquidity Problems


Last night, when observing the unprecedented "gold run" on precious metals dealers which has left all gold vendors with little to no physical gold, we said that "the price of physical gold has decoupled from paper gold" as a result of paper gold liquidations as leveraged funds scramble to cover margin calls using safe assets…

Anonymous ID: 55393c March 24, 2020, 4:16 p.m. No.8552065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2260 >>2280 >>2337



Boober Eats: Portland Exotic Dancers Pivot To Food Delivery As Strip Clubs Forced To Close


Who says we can't adapt and pull together in times of crisis, right?


Certainly that's the feeling in Portland, where strippers are now delivering food after the Lucky Devil Lounge was forced to close down. However, the same order that shut down their strip club does not prohibit food delivery, and that has some exotic dancers making a pivot to a model they're calling "Boober Eats".


The new home delivery service where scantily clad strippers deliver your hot food started as a joke, according to Oregon Live. Then, the free market went to work. Demand surged, people posted about it on social media and a cash cow was born.


The report says that while the rest of Portland was hoarding toilet paper, Shon Boulden, the creator of Boober Eats, was buying out one local store's stock of pasties.