Anonymous ID: f1f1d0 March 24, 2020, 4:27 p.m. No.8552204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2418

Twoofy Sangs


Some blood tastes better than others.

Haitain blood is preferred. Why?


Diet is everything. Very little meat for the victim class. Beans, rice, fruit mainly. That's one reason they are targeted.


In general, the average Haitian diet is largely based on starch staples such as rice, corn, millet, yams and beans. All types of meat and seafood are eaten as well, but often only the wealthier residents can afford them. Spice is used sparingly, and as a side dish, like Piklis — a pickled cabbage dish with carrot and scotch bonnet pepper soaked in vinegar. Epis is a crushed mixture of onion, parsley, garlic, black pepper and thyme that is used extensively to marinate meat.


Haitians wake up every morning, just as we do, to a cup of coffee, always accompanied by bread and butter or peanut butter. The country’s national dish of rice and beans, Riz et Pois, is served at the main meal at lunchtime, as this is meant to provide crucial carbohydrates to field workers. It is often preceded by a plate of viv — boiled plantain and other boiled roots and tubers with a meat dish. At Sunday lunch, there will often be a gratin, again a nod here to their French roots. Pasta gratin (macaroni and cheese!) is loved as a side dish. Sunday is also the day when there might be leisure time for a nice dessert as well.


Evening meals are simple affairs, often a bowl of porridge or soup. But just as often people purchase fritay (take-out) from street vendors. Offerings include fried plantain, griot (fried pork) and even barbequed chicken.


Haiti’s Caribbean climate allows tropical fruits such as avocados, mangoes, pineapples, coconuts and guava to grow in abundance. The snack of choice is also fresh fruit, and for the ultimate sugar rush people love juicy sticks of sugar cane ready to suck on. Fruits are often used to make refreshing fruit juices. A special meal for a guest is simply not considered complete if a fruit juice or fruit soda is not offered. A liquor might be offered either before dinner or after dinner.

Anonymous ID: f1f1d0 March 24, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.8552506   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The virus strain is SARS-COV-2, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.


The disease it can cause is SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.


The WHO isn't calling it SARS this time though or differentiating it. People are thinking a positive test equals SARS and probably death.