>>8552606 I think that asshole trouble face is Brennan, shitposting here in between shots of whiskey & bouts of uncontrollable weeping.
>>8552677 It should be only the SOBs trying to screw America with libpork who get their pay cut off. Plus, there are some other things they need to have cut off—like their huge, unjustified egos. Like their lines of credit. Like their access to classified intel. Like their freedom.
>>8552870 hos•pi•tal hĹŹs′pÄ-tl, -pÄt″lâ–ş
"A facility that provides emergency, inpatient, and usually outpatient medical care for SICK or injured people."
Boy howdy are they sick. How should things go for a SICK person during an EMERGENCY.
>>8553034 Hey soi boi Bernstein—we're still here, and we're still your worst nightmare, and we're getting stronger every day. Think about that, putz.