What if I told you everything you think you know is a lie?
United States is a corporation.
US citizens are employees of said corporation.
American anons were registered as employees with Dept of Human Resources shortly after birth.
Ask why do mother sign birth paperwork as "informant"?
What is an informant? Legal definition: One who gives up a person to another.
Babies are considered property of the state. Fucking sick.
State registers your ALL CAPS NAME, JOHN QUINCY JONES is a legal fiction, a vessel.
US citizens have privileges NOT unalienable rights.
Your SSN is NOT a Social Security Number it is your Subservient Slave Number.
You are traded like stocks on the market.
You don't have access to common law courts, jurisdiction of the land.
Courts in the US are private corporations.
They operate in the jurisdiction of the water/sea, only deal with admiralty/commerce, contract law.
Court proceedings are administrative tribunals.
Bill of rights doesn't protect US citizens in (((their))) courts.
The 13th Amendment to the 1st Constitution (more than one) is TONA, Titles of Nobility Act. Forbids anyone with title from foreign country from holding office. Such as Esq. (Esquire), you know, fucking BAR attorneys (British Accredited Registry)
14th Amendment enslaved Americans.
16th Amendment wasn't formally ratified (Income Tax)
Dejure American government The United States of America ceased in 1861, secession of souther states.
Reconstruction never completed. Reconstruction acts never repealed.
Lieber Code still in force.
American state nationals are the true sovereigns, NOT US citizens.
You are not told that. Deception is their only weapon.
You can reclaim your political status as an American state national.
Contractually, the evil ones must provide remedy…and they have.
As an American state national you can help complete reconstruction of the states and rebuild the dejure federal government, The United States of America.
It's all about greed for money and power.
They steal your energy, your labor.
Tax you and bury you in debt for your whole life.
We live in their dead world, the world of corporations, dead things.
Corporations decide what you see and hear. Shadows on the cave wall.