Anonymous ID: afafbb March 24, 2020, 6:05 p.m. No.8553383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3398

>>8552925 LB


In the mind control programming for sex, kids 4 years old and up, are torture trained to kiss, fondle and perform sex acts on adults. without being prompted.

Cabal shits like Alec Baldwin knows this. this is comms to remind and reassure all the other Hollywood pedos, that they still have kids for sex. Despite Disney CEO (((Bob Iger))) resigning.


He needs to get coroavirus tomorrow.

Anonymous ID: afafbb March 24, 2020, 6:21 p.m. No.8553558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3616 >>3671


Gross. cabal pedo comms for incest?

Jay Parker spoke of elite sex shows where he witnessed the headliner one night was Billy Ray Cyrus having sex with young daughter Miley Cyrus.

shades of Jon Benet Ramsey.

Anonymous ID: afafbb March 24, 2020, 6:25 p.m. No.8553622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3637 >>3688

Does "P" = PINDAR = Rothschild?


Dr. Michael Salla:

I analyzed QAnon posts identifying the puppet masters behind the Deep State – the Rothschild family, House of Saud, and George Soros – and the enormous financial resources at their disposal.


To achieve control at a Global level, the three puppet masters coordinate their efforts through different functions they respectively exercise.

QAnon referred to a cult led by the Rothschild family which has been a critical part of this global control system. In a November 11, 2017 post, QAnon succinctly described the chief characteristics of the worldwide cult:

QAnon is telling us that the puppet masters, the Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros are Satan worshippers. At the apex of this Satanic cult are the Rothschilds, according to QAnon.


It’s worth repeating from Part 1 that Dr. Deagle told us about Guy De Rothschild being the Pindar, CEO of Earth in 1992, which I discussed in more detail in an earlier article.


This corroborates what QAnon revealed about the Rothschilds being the leaders of a cult followed by the puppet masters.

Prior to his death in 2007, Guy De Rothschild arranged for leadership of the Rothschild family to be passed on to his son, David Rene de Rothschild, in 2003.


Recently, David de Rothschild announced on April 17, 2018 that leadership of various Rothschild companies would in turn be passed on to his son, Alexandre de Rothschild.


According to what QAnon and Deagle have revealed, it can be concluded that the role of Pindar (Satanic cult leader) had passed on from Guy to David de Rothschild, and that Alexandre is being groomed to take over the position at some point.



Anonymous ID: afafbb March 24, 2020, 6:37 p.m. No.8553775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>'''Is this the "SmokingGun" that has been overlooked for 2 months?"


Trump Phone Call to Xi:Harvard's Dr. Charles Lieber Arrested for Ties To WuHan


In an official Xinhua News report about a call Chinese President Xi Jinping had with U.S. President Donald Trump that was requested by the U.S. side.



Trump informed the Chinese that the U.S. had arrested three individuals in connection with the Bioweapon attack on China, including 60-year old Dr. Charles Lieber, Harvard University Chairman of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.


Prosecutors say Lieber agreed to conduct research, publish articles and apply for patents on behalf of China's Wuhan University of Technology in exchange for $50,000 per month and about $150,000 in living expenses. He also received $1.5 million to establish a research lab at the Chinese university, authorities said.




Dr. Charles M. Lieber, age 60, is Jewish.

In 2012, Lieber was awarded Israel's Wolf Prize in Chemistry.




Lieber's student Zaosong Zeng

It is alleged that on Dec. 9, 2019, Zeng stole 21 vials of biological research and attempted to smuggle them out of the United States aboard a flight destined for China


Zeng lied to officers about the contents of his luggage, but later admitted he had stolen the vials from a lab at Beth Israel. Sauce:


and now, the President of Harvard University has coronavirus….staying home…