You mad rainmain/megashill/inthepaytrixxx?
Keep seething newfags.
You mad rainmain/megashill/inthepaytrixxx?
Keep seething newfags.
>does anybody think that NP was set up
Either that or they needed to do this drastic measure because she's a crazy cunt.
Nice Q quote that came up in a dig.
*divide, fuck
Is that you megashill?
Q also could've confirmed we will "start seeing the Painโฆ"
Everyone knows Q confirmed P = Pope except twitterfaggots who follow inthepatrixxx.
Anons knew it was Pope before Q confirmed it.
Show me ONE P crumb where Payseur fits.
I can wait.
<b-b-b-b-b-but there's no double meanings a-a-a-a-a-and that's not a real confirmation because a payriot on twitter says so!!!!!!!!!
<Q d-d-didn't reply to P = Pope confirming it by talking about the pope haha
That's really your argument?
I assume you got here in 2019 faggot.
That's the ROoyou absolute shill.
>Your P=payseur is bullshit
kek wut?
also, I know it's a double meaning, I'm just fucking with rainman because it's fun.
Trying to blend it?
It doesn't work.
How new are you? Seriously.
>Payseur family IS the FED.
It's the fucking Rothschilds megashill.
>this is why many YT channel reported that.
Are you actually inthematrixxx? Is that who has been spamming this board for two years?
Q BTFO'D you, BOTH BO's BTFO'D you, Bakers BTFO'D and anons fucking hate you.
gtfo already holy fuck
> but I don't recall a specific rainmain
ffs just fuck off
Imagine ACTUALLY claiming the Rothschilds don't run the world banks and FED.
That's a new one rainmain.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA There it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>do you really think the big yt channels woulf find time to post here almost every day?
>do you really think the big yt channels woulf find time to post here almost every day?
>do you really think the big yt channels woulf find time to post here almost every day?
>do you really think the big yt channels woulf find time to post here almost every day?
>do you really think the big yt channels woulf find time to post here almost every day?
>do you really think the big yt channels woulf find time to post here almost every day?
>do you really think the big yt channels woulf find time to post here almost every day?
Holy shit do you actually suck your own dick?
You're disgusting.
Sorry anons, I just enjoy fucking with Rainman and wanted him to expose himself by posting his pasta.
He'll shill next bread because it's what he does, and I'll be chillin.
I hope my ironic attacks on a shill didn't disturb you too much. And if they did oh well.