What you're seeing is the result of the dollar decoupling from precious metals. JP morgan has been under investigation since 2017 for manipulating the price of silver/gold ETFS. They supposedly own an insane amount of silver certificates that amount to about 895 million ounces. This is leading way to the reset, anon. Gold shall destroy the Fed.
Yes, the petro dollar is decoupling as well. If we understand that Russia/SA are our allies then we then can come to the conclusion that it was a strategic move to help us move away from petro/fed→gold backed treasury $.
The dollar currently has very little value, anon. As long as it's still under the fed reserve, it is considered "fake" money. Once we deem this system completely broken, then the transition can take place with gold/silver being revalued at a new price point (under the new US backed treasury notes).