Whoever posted the Tyrosine graphic I have more info.
Albinism is the result of lack of melanin and a defective Tyrosine gene. Which is an essential amino acid in humans? Most humans can produce it. Albinos cannot.
Tyros= cheese in Greek.
It was discover by Justin Von Leiburg back in the 1800's.
Foods high in tyrosine: chicken, turkey, fish, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, peanuts, soy, almonds, pumpkin seeds, lima beans. (consider the high volume of production we place on some of these foods)
L-tyrosine (the essential amino acid) is similar to ephineprhine (treatment maybe?)
Leiburg also worked on another Glutamic acid or glutamate (non essential in humans). It is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter.
Without it we would be Zombies. So would they, if it were essential.
Leiburg produced Marmite (as in an Vegemite) as a concentrated source of glutamate.
Albinism>Grey men
Zombies without excitatory neurotransmitters. Recall how lacking of emotion the victims appear to be without their drugs.
As an added bonus…Marie Antoinette was suspected of suffering from albinism.