Anonymous ID: 4ab6bd March 24, 2020, 7:29 p.m. No.8554374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4485 >>4635 >>4723

GOP senator introduces bill to withhold senators' pay until coronavirus relief passed


'If Americans aren't getting paid, then neither should we'


Arizona Republican Sen. Martha McSally has formally introduced legislation that would withhold the pay of U.S. Senators until the upper chamber's passage of a coronavirus relief package.


What are the details?


"If Americans aren't getting paid, then neither should we," MsSally tweeted Tuesday. "I introduced today a bill to withhold Senate pay until we pass the COVID-19 relief package."


The Senate has been arguing over the third phase of a coronavirus package for days while an increasing number of Americans are losing their jobs as businesses shut down due to social distancing measures aimed at stopping the pandemic.


Several Republicans have expressed outrage from the Senate floor after Democrats blocked what was believed to be a pre-negotiated bipartisan bill on Sunday night, and again on Monday.


As of Tuesday afternoon, the Senate still had no deal approved, leading McSally to introduce her legislation as she had threatened the day before.

Anonymous ID: 4ab6bd March 24, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.8554498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4569 >>4635 >>4670 >>4702 >>4723

DHS Warns 'Violent Extremists' May Exploit COVID-19 to Carry Out Attacks Against US - Report


The US is currently third in the number of those infected with the COVID-19 virus, after China and Italy, with more than 53,000 cases confirmed, according to the most recent data.


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reportedly sent a memo to law enforcement officials warning that terrorists may take advantage of public fears over the COVID-19 pandemic by carrying out attacks against the US, according to ABC News.


Despite not having any concrete data on a specific plan of attack, the DHS said it has observed certain "extremist groups" that may attempt to spread misinformation about the deadly disease.


"Violent extremists probably are seeking to exploit public fears associated with the spread of COVID-19 to incite violence, intimidate targets and promote their ideologies, and we assess these efforts will intensify in the coming months," the intelligence bulletin reads, cited by ABC News.


Prior to the memo, FBI director Chris Wray in a video message declared that agents would "stay here, to protect [the public], no matter what".


"Because our criminal and national security adversaries sure aren't going to take a day off, whether that's for the coronavirus or, for that matter, anything else", Wray said.


The DHS bulletin listed extremist activities including a recent Daesh* call for supporters to attack overburdened health care systems in different countries, allegedly released in a recent Daesh newsletter.


Earlier, Reuters reported that the World Health Organization had been targeted in a cyber attack carried out by hackers looking to capitalize on international concern over the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases is approaching 418,000 with at least 18,615 dead, according to Johns Hopkins University data.—report/

Anonymous ID: 4ab6bd March 24, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.8554515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4635 >>4723

PA Governor Pivots: Gun Dealers ‘Life Sustaining,’ Can Remain Open


On March 24, 2020, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf (D) augmented his list of “life-sustaining” businesses to include gun dealers, allowing them to remain open as long as they adhere to certain restrictions.


The new language was added under Trade, Transportation, & Utilities, in the subsection Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, & Music Stores.


It says:


Firearms dealers may operate physical businesses on a limited basis to complete only the portions of a sale/transfer that must be conducted in-person under the law, subject to the following restrictions: 1) all such sale/transfers will be conducted by individual appointment during limited hours only so as to minimize social interactions and congregating of persons; 2) the dealer will comply with social distancing, sanitization of applicable area between appointments, and other mitigation measures to protect its employees and the public.


The Second Amendment Foundation’s (SAF) Alan Gottlieb commented on Wolf’s decision to revisit his list of closed businesses and allow gun stores to remain open, saying, “The Governor was right to reverse himself. This is a huge win.”


On March 24, 2020, Breitbart News reported SAF filed a lawsuit against New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy (D) for requiring the closure of gun stores via his statewide shutdown order. They have more suits planned to fight mandated gun store closures around the country.

Anonymous ID: 4ab6bd March 24, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.8554524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4545 >>4635 >>4723 >>4747

No corona for you: French local authority bans ALCOHOL sales amid virus lockdown


Residents of the French department of Aisne are heading for a truly harsh coronavirus lockdown, as local authorities have imposed a blanket ban on alcohol sales. The move is for their own good, officials argue.


Announcing the decision on Tuesday, Prefect of the department Ziad Khoury pointed out that alcohol abuse often goes hand in hand with domestic violence - which, many fear, is bound to surge under the lockdown.


“Excessive consumption of alcohol is likely to create increased disturbances and violence, especially within the family"


Khoury also banned shops from working past 8pm – indeed, if you cannot fetch a cold one, why bother going for groceries at night? While the decision affects only take-out sales of the booze, all the bars and restaurants have been already shut down which effectively makes Aisne a dry department.


Despite the prefect’s efforts to portray the ban as beneficial for the residents, some have made it clear they were not looking forward to the weeks of abstinence. Netizens flocked to the official's Twitter en mass, arguing that the ban will cause more harm, than good - all while giving rise to black markets.


“Incompetence or dictatorial will? The measure will only have negative effects: black market, withdrawal effects, bottlenecks in hospitals, etc. A curfew would prevent gatherings. You deprive people of their liberties and endanger the population,” one wrote.


Making the lockdown intolerable for alcohol addicts, who will effectively be forced into a sudden withdrawl that can entail serious health complications is incomppasionate at best, and dangerous, some noted.


"You can't suddenly deprive an alcohol addict of alcohol, it's dangerous!" a commenter wrote.


“It's a shame you put people in danger and will add more trouble for caregivers! Reverse this decision as soon as possible!” another chimed in.


Some went as far as to suggest that the prefect, who is of Lebanese origin, mulls imposing the “sharia law” in the department, with the ban on the booze being just the first of many steps.


“Sharia law on the move!” a witty netizen wrote, poking fun at the name of Emmanuel Macron’s En Marche! (“Forward!”) ruling party.


The ban will be in force at least until March 31, when the 15-day nationwide lockdown is set to expire. However, the French government has already hinted that the measure is likely to be extended beyond this date.