This the Chair.
It's Jacobs Pillow, every king of David, ie Jesus, has been crowned upon it.
Who does the current chair serve?
Lucifer. The all seeing eye.
This the Chair.
It's Jacobs Pillow, every king of David, ie Jesus, has been crowned upon it.
Who does the current chair serve?
Lucifer. The all seeing eye.
(((they))) believe that Jesus is Satan, and therefore Jacobs Pillow is Satan's Pillow, and who ever sits upon that Chair, is SATAN.
It's Queen Elizabeth. She is Satan.
The Pope is elected, He has no "Right" to rule.
Whoever the Boss is, has "The Divine Right" to rule. Ie, Annointed by God, Like QE2
He says "God Save the Queen".
he does NOT say god save the Pope,
He does not say god save Paysauer.
He say's, quite clearly "God Save the Queen"
The Queen is the Chair. She has been anointed by (((their)) god, she serves her MAster, who is Lucifer
Yes, Anon.
Cain, who fell to earth, and was condemned to not be fruitful.
The Jews have a population of 34 million, odd. After 10,000 year's, there are only 34 million of them.
CannibalโฆโฆCane ate Abel.
See where this is going?
The red shoes are the sacrificers. They always get blood on their feet.
It's a Druid thing.