Anonymous ID: 877376 March 24, 2020, 7:11 p.m. No.8554138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4500

>>8553961 pb


My thinking is Rothschilds. Rothschilds, other Jew bankers, Jews in general, the Sab-Frank Jews which started around 1666, the cabal, Caananites, The Jews, only the Talmud Jews, etc etc. We're over the target there.


And then, when things are getting pretty hot on the ground, we hear about Payseur again, for no reason. Did I miss some recent Payseur NEWS?


If you're just going to guess based on power over a long time, Rothschild, British Royals, Vatican, but Team Jew has been arrow up (but is pissing so many people off) and British Royals and Vatican have been arrow down. And China seems to be arrow up. How is it that we're allowing COMMUNISTS to make all our stuff, but Cuba is still not 100% normalized with us? According to our version of Communists in our country, Russia, which used to be Communist, but now isn't, is somehow worse than the actual, still communist, Chinese. They're the ones who make almost everything now. And we allowed this? You can buy something on ebay, from the US, it's made in China and it costs anywhere from 20% to 100% more if you don't get it shipped from China.

Anonymous ID: 877376 March 24, 2020, 7:18 p.m. No.8554240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4666



>Enough to cancel our debt?


Jubilee - cancel all the debts.


In the Bible, they did that every 50 years.


Cancel all the debts, put money in everyones bank account, or on one of those cards.


Get rid of the central bank owners, new system has no private ownership. Everyone around the world should be happy, but there are politicians around the world who will be on Rothschilds side.


In Nevada they're letting the people with coronavirus die in order to make Trump look bad.

Anonymous ID: 877376 March 24, 2020, 7:24 p.m. No.8554313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4456



This is horrendous. And it's something that should be memed. I'm generally not a meme type person, prefer posting links and such, but


Democrat Nevada Governor


Wants to hurt Trump


Withholds Life Saving Cures


Nevadans DIE