Anonymous ID: 21f5a9 March 24, 2020, 8:24 p.m. No.8555089   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pelosi praises Fauci as a 'truth-teller,' says he's crucial to coronavirus fight


Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday came to the defense of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, saying he is crucial to ending the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. "Dr. Fauci is a truth-teller. He's science, knowledge, evidence, data, and that's what we have to have if we're going to have a cure and not just 'I heard this works,'" Pelosi told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell. Fauci, an integral part of President Trump's coronavirus task force, has served presidents from both parties since former President Reagan and has largely been seen as a guiding presence through the pandemic.


However, his absence from Trump's daily briefing on Monday raised eyebrows and prompted media pundits to question whether the leading virologist had begun to fall out of favor with the president. When asked why Fauci wasn't present, Trump answered, "He's a good man. I like Dr. Fauci a lot. He'll be back up soon." Fauci has walked back a number of Trump's statements about the virus and potential medication to treat it. He has said multiple times that a vaccine for COVID-19 will take at least a year to develop and the miracle drugs that the president has spoken of weren't tested to fight coronavirus in a proper clinical trial.


Despite that, the doctor has also pushed back on rhetoric that he and Trump have become increasingly at odds. "The president has listened to what I have said and what the other people on the task force have said. When I have made recommendations he has taken them," Fauci told the Morning on The Mall Podcast Tuesday morning. "The idea of just pitting one against the other is just not helpful."

Anonymous ID: 21f5a9 March 24, 2020, 8:36 p.m. No.8555218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5232 >>5308

Michael Cohen's request for home confinement amid coronavirus denied in scathing order


A federal judge forcefully denied Michael Cohen's request to either be set free early or serve the rest of his sentence under home confinement after he claimed that the coronavirus outbreak presents a danger that makes it unsafe for him to remain in prison. Judge William H. Pauley III was not swayed by Cohen's request for leniency. To the contrary, he suggested the outbreak made for a cynical justification for the former Trump attorney's request after a previous attempt to secure a lighter sentence failed. "Apparently searching for a new argument to justify a modification of his sentence to home confinement, Cohen now raises the specter of COVID-19," Pauley wrote in a Tuesday order. "That Cohen would seek to single himself out for release to home confinement appears to be just another effort to inject himself into the news cycle."


Last week, Cohen appeared to try a different avenue for early release, as his Twitter account shared an online petition calling for the president to have the Federal Bureau of Prisons allow prisoners like him to be released and placed under home detention during the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. So far, he has had no luck with that. Pauley agreed with prosecutors that Cohen "is 'manifestly ineligible' for compassionate release and has not exhausted his administrative remedies." Cohen began serving a three-year sentence on May 6, 2019, following a guilty plea to offenses including campaign finance violations, various financial crimes and providing false statements to Congress.


After his sentencing, Pauley pointed out, Cohen tried to get a reduced sentence by working with federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York, but then "made material and false statements in his post-sentencing proffer sessions." Pauley added that after Cohen had failed to show how he helped prosecutors with their investigations, he then accused the prosecutors of acting improperly. "Those ad hominem attacks lack any substance and do not trigger the right to a remedy or a hearing before this court," Pauley wrote.


The judge noted that the "fatal flaw" with Cohen's motion for a reduced or modified sentence — made under Rule 35(b) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure — is that only the prosecution can file a motion of this nature. "Ten months into his prison term, it's time that Cohen accept the consequences of his criminal convictions for serious crimes that had far-reaching institutional harms," Pauley wrote. "For these reasons, Cohen's application to reduce or modify his sentence is denied."

Anonymous ID: 21f5a9 March 24, 2020, 8:41 p.m. No.8555297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5337 >>5362 >>5375 >>5379 >>5495

Nevada Governor Signs Emergency Order Banning Prescriptions of Hydroxychloroquine For Treatment of Coronavirus…


Nevada Governor Signs Emergency Order Banning Prescriptions of Hydroxychloroquine For Treatment of Coronavirus…

Anonymous ID: 21f5a9 March 24, 2020, 8:46 p.m. No.8555366   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This also reminded me of Comey with the Redwood trees tweet..


Trees are felled…Timber

The bigger they are the harder they fall.. Clintons?

Anonymous ID: 21f5a9 March 24, 2020, 8:57 p.m. No.8555497   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They have always operated this way..have seen it over and over again..always in background, hidden from view but running the show in the shadows.